Before deciding whether you want to consign or sell your exotic vehicle, you want to make sure you are able to get the best price for it. Each option consists of a unique process that might vary depending on your situation. If you are curious to learn how much you could get for selling your exotic car on consignment, you have come to the right place. Read the rest of this entry
Category Archives: Q&A
Are You Thinking About Selling Your Vehicle? We Can Help!
Benefits of Selling Your Vehicle on Consignment
Selling a vehicle is no easy task. Trust us, we have been doing it since 1984 and some of them can still be a bit tricky. But during that time we have also sold over 30,000 vehicles, so we do know a thing or two about what we are doing and how to sell a car. If you don’t want to deal with all of the hassles of selling your vehicle, but still want to reap some of its profits, we can sell your vehicle here at Phillips Auto on consignment. There are a number of other benefits to selling your vehicle on consignment with us as well! Read the rest of this entry
Make Sure a Vehicle is OK to Sell After a Death
How to Sell a Vehicle in an Estate Sale
When someone close to you passes away, the last thing that you are probably thinking about is what to do with their belongings. Unfortunately, this is a task that must be completed. For those of you that are wondering how to sell a vehicle in an estate sale, the process is actually similar to what you would do if you were selling your own vehicle, with just a few added steps. Read the rest of this entry
This Tesla Frenzy Has Been Getting Pretty Crazy
Why is Tesla so Popular?
Unless you have been living under a rock this past year, you have probably read or heard something about Tesla, the California based electric car company. Tesla has been doing some truly revolutionary work, and has seemed to single handedly revitalize the electric car industry that looked to be hanging on by life support just a few years ago. Now, there are thousands that have signed up for a vehicle that won’t be out for another year, and it has left many wondering “Why is Tesla so popular?” and how have they grown so fast in such a small amount of time. Read the rest of this entry
So You’ve Decided to Buy a Porsche…
How to buy your first Porsche
Whether you have been an owner of exotic cars for a while, or you have finally decided to purchase one for the first time, there is nothing quite like buying your first Porsche. There may be other major players out there in the exotic car market, but hardly anything rings quite as eloquently as “I own a Porsche.” So for you first time Porsche buyers, we are here to lend you a hand and let you know how to buy your first Porsche. It is an experience you won’t soon forget. Read the rest of this entry